perm filename CHARS.LOP[AM,DBL] blob sn#634899 filedate 1981-12-26 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	Name: RANAR  	Owner: Doug Lenat 	Experience: 44384/4959  Nxt lvl: 55k
C00009 00003	Name: KILA   	Owner: Doug Lenat 	Experience: 20,151 / 22,415 / 24,651
C00017 00004	Defaults:
C00020 00005	Magic mouths (Kila's)
C00027 00006	Name: KILE   	Owner: Doug Lenat 	Experience: 2321/2110/2321
C00033 00007	Name: ANGEL  	Owner: Doug Lenat 	Experience: 0
C00037 00008	Name: ANGEL  	Owner: Doug Lenat 	Experience: 2000/0/0/0
C00041 ENDMK
Name: RANAR  	Owner: Doug Lenat 	Experience: 44384/4959  Nxt lvl: 55k
Class: CLERIC/RANGER	Level: 6/3     	Alignment: C.G.		Race: Human
God: Mielikki, the goddess of nature.   Secondary god: Anhur, god of warriors

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
18/18.100       15          17          17            9          16

Hits: 	63				Age 21  Wt 196 lbs  Ht 73" (mature)
	      8&8  8  5  2  6  8
Gold: Total: 20,068    	20,000 in jewels and gems (underwear); 68 in belt pouch
Doors: 1-5 (2)			       Bars/gates: 40%         
Unadjusted weight:     	       	       Extra weight: +3000 (300lbs)

Armor class: -2 (field plate; +2 shield; +1 ring; when not using shield: AC 1)
Move: 9 (special true plate)
Saving throws:     Poison 7/4 Wands 10/7 Stone 11/8 Dragon 13/10 Spells 12/9 [Wis +3]

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
+1 Long Sword          13  11   9   8   7   6   5   3   1   1d8+7      1d12+7       3    5
2-Handed sword         10   9   8   7   5   4   3   4   4   1d10+6     3d6+6        6    1
Firm Long Bow (+1/+1)  13  11  10   8   6   4   3   2   1   1d6+1      1d6+1      7/14/21
Ranseur 	       15  13  12  10   8   7  *5*  4   1   2d4+6      2d4+6
[Lance (Heavy horse)   12  11  12  10   9   9   8   8   7   2d4+7      3d6+6        1    8]
  unarmored            13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   +6 damage bonus

Extra +3 damage against Bugbears, Ettins, Giants, Orcs, Gnolls,
			Trolls, Goblins, Hobgoblins, Ogres
Proficient in sword, bow, and polearm (incl. ranseur), hammer, staff
Spells: (5) PFE 18r, Cure Ld, Cure Lt, Command, Cause Fear 6r
	(5) Find Traps 30r, Hold Person 10r, Spk Ani@5CYf@DedXAIKgSgPA
Se∀@mhX↓'SYK9GJ@bId∩∀∩ fRA	%gaKX↓[COSXA%K5←mJA
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S]H↓)eCaLXAπkIJA'KIS←kf↓/←k]⊃f~∀∪A←iS←9ftA∪9mSf@ sN@c⊂hVeh$X@epβ+IαK/~≠'K*a↓I=↔AW⊃S∩αOC⊃b↓J∂W⊗)↓K⊃"YI1α>N≠?⊗i14PI↓↓↓∩yIα3/3'Q1¬≠WC↔∀C↔K=αBK;∨∩↓M5yBa↓M=∩βπSS∞≠/M1αY↓S⊃BYG#C~a↓I=↔AW⊃[∩a↓-Uπ#=β#O!$4(L31β∂∪∃β'rβ∂πK∞k'
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d10+2     3d6+2        6    1
Long Bow               11   9   8   6   4   2   1   0  -1   1d6        1d6        7/14/21
Spear                  16  14  13  12  10   9   8   7   6   1d6        1d8          1    6]
Halberd                13  12  11   9   8   7   7   6   6   1d10       2d6          5    9]
Left-handed +1 dagger  16  15  13  12   9   8   6   5   2   1d4+1      1d3+1
Ranseur 	       16  14  13  11   9   8  *6*  5   2   2d4        2d4
 versus unarmored:     14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6
Proficient in Sword, Polearm, Bow, Dgr, Ax, Mace.  Note polearms do double vs charge

Spells: (65%, 7-11)	[books in ceramic/leather/metal/cloth cases; copies in town]
  L1: Sleep, DetMagic, ID, RdMagic, DancLts, Lt, Charm, MM, ShGrasp, Langs
  L2: Web, MMouth, WizLock, Invis, Knock, MirImage, StCloud
  L3: Haste, Lightening, Fireball, Suggestion, Gust of Wind
  Blank spellbook + 6 spells' ink.  Emerg copies: StCloud, Haste
Spells Carried:   (6) MM3, SleeP, Det Magic, Light, Charm, Shocking Grasp
		  (4) MirImage, StCloud, StCloud, Knock [outdoors: Knock->Web]
		  (2) Haste, Lightening [outdoors: Lightening->Fireball]
Magic items:  familiar: screech owl: 4hp, night (ultra)vision, superior hearing
	Elven boots (95-100% silent), +1 dagger, +1 shield, -1 dagger.  Magic mouths.
	Bloodcraver: +2 2H sword; drains 1 level/owner.
	Wellsbane: +1 LSword, CE, heals 1d6/hit on CEs, +1d6 damage to all others.
	2 rings with compartments containing Con Lt/Dark.  2 CLt arrows.
	Potions: 4g Invis, 2x5rResFire, 2/2 Levit, 2&2Cure 2d4+2, 2x(2+d2t)Fly,
	 2/2 HillGiantStr +3/+7, Hero +2lvls, +2d10+2hp, 4+d4t, 3/2 atks,+2 to hit
	Worthless wand; smoke-filled bottle (laughing gas); Oil of Etherealness
	Scrolls: any 3rd lvl; Lightening; Affect Normal Fires & Push.
	Cases for scrolls and potions: ceramic, leather, metal, then bone.
Equipment:	Note that 2500gp has been set aside (already subtrac) for true plate
   Armor:	plate; +1 shield; Leather armor; small wooden shield; great helm
		L Bow; +1 L Sword; 2H Sword; Silvered Halberd; Ranseur; 9 Silver Daggers
   Carried (slung):     2 50' ropes	1 skin water    1 skin wine
			3 L. sacks	1 10' pole (stick)  5 nails
   Bandelero of:        9 Holy water  	4 Spikes(wood)	1 oil 
			5 iron spikes	4 vials of 1d4 acid   6 daggers
   Sack containing: 	3 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint&steel  5 oil in metal&ceramic
   Quiver containing:	20  arrows	15 silver arrows   1 silver dagger
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garote silver band under collar
   In backpack:		1 Garlic	1 lump of cheese 1 wolvesbane/belladonna
			4 Empty flasks	2 week's rations (incl. extra water)
			5 oil (ceramic)	5 lumps of coal  2 sacks of coal dust
			2 candles       1 steel  mirror	1 sm. sack of dust
			Sack: rags, alcohol, wax, string, paint, brush, ink, paper
   On belt:		Pouch of herbs: sugar, salt, pepper, honey, baking soda
			Iron ring	2 sets thieves' tools	10 Holy water
   Med. Warhorse: 14 da ratns&water, CompBow, 80 arrows, LSword, Leather, 4 HolyWater
E.P. Bonus:  10/0/10	DEX bonus: +4 AC, +3 missile fire and initiative
System shock: 91%	Resurrection: 94%
Speaks: alignment, common, thief cant, elf, gnome, halfling, (hob)goblin, orc, gnoll
Infravision 60'  90% immune to sleep and charm   Secret doors: 1/6 (2/6 if looking)
Can surprise on 1-4 (1-2 thru door) if alone or 90' away from metalized party
Thief:  Climb: 92%  Hear: +25%(=40%)  Read Lang: 30%  Backstab: 3x,+4 to hit
Pickpocket: 70   Pick locks: 57   Find/remove traps: 50   Hide: 56   Silent: 62%


Elven boots: OFF (if visible; in ceramic/metal/leather container in backpack)
Owl: flying 60' up, 60' ahead of party outdoors; ceiling ht, one room back indoors.
   Invis. Gives advance warning outdoors; warns of rear attacks indoors.

Misc. notes for the future:

Sometime: bring tapestries, headboard, etc. on wagons to CityState for sale.
	Don't sell them until just before returning here.
Learn: slow, phantasmal force
Sometime visit: alchemist, apothecary, books, cages, cloaks, boots. Identify pearls.
Auger at whirlpool before diving in.
Seek: Scrolls (both clerical and MU), poisons, potions, + thieving tools,
	Magic Missile and Lightening scroll custom-written by high-level MU
	Seek esp. Poly Self potion, Girdle of Giant Strength 2.5, ElfCloak/InvisRing
	Neut poison potion op scroll.  Healing potions. LuckBlade 5.
Note that Rana can make holywater now, and at 7th level can make scrolls.
	Details: 1 day/spell level. Ink cost is 100gp/spel level and is rare.
	Currently has 3 spell levels' worth of ink, 2 spells' quills, 10 spells' vellum.
	Be on the lOokout for monster parts that go into the ink.

Magic mouths (Kila's)

Guard pellets, numbers 1-8:
	If Kila @MCsf@	βYXAAKYYKQbAeKQaSEkQSmJAMieSW∀A]←nλ~∀∩@A∨$~(∩@@AlEπkCIHAaK1YKhA8A←\D↓QCfA	KK\AMa←WK8A[←e∀AeKG∃]iYr↓iQC\E∂kCIHAaK1YKhA8A←MLλ~∀∩@@Aβ≥⊂A]↑A=iQKd↓gQ←kPAQCf↓EKK\↓QKCe⊂AoSi!S\Ai!JAYCMh@b`↓[S]kQKfX~(∩@@@↓β≥λA¬]rAGIKCikIJAYCIOKdAQQC\A∧Ao←Y_ACaaI←CGQ∃fAoSQQS\@X`N~∀$∪KqG∃ahAM=dAaCIirXAMQKK`0AK]iLXAEY%]WI←≥fXAG¬iiYJ0AQ←eMKfXA∃COYKL~∀∩@A:~∀%)QK\↓cQ←kP@EβY∃ehBAAKYYKPA≤BA%]iek⊃KdAg%OQiK⊂AErAAKYYKPA≤BDfAiS5Kf\~)≥←	←hAaKY1Kif@ hR~∀%∪LA↔%YBAg¬sf@E¬YXAa∃YYKiLAeKiISEki%mJAgrike now"
	   ["Nodoz pelLet N on" Has been spoken more recently than "Nodoz pellet N off"
	    You (pellet N) are within 3" of a sleePing party member's ear,
	    A Guard Pellet shouts, or a party member shouts or is attacked or falls over,]
	Then whisper 2x(loud enough to wake the person up):Wake up! Something is happening!

Identify paper and pellet (2 each)
	If you heard "ID paper N on" more recently than "ID paper off"
	    a party member @A←S]iLAi↑AQQJA]¬[JA←_AiQJ↓WS]H↓←LAGIKCikIJ@Q]=hAS]
CYX~(~∃∨\↓QKCI	C]Ht↓∪LAC9s←]J↓SfACQiCGW%]NAMI←ZAE∃QS]H0AgkeAeSgS9NAiQ∀AoKCIKdX~(∪)QK8AgQ←UhACh↓iQJA¬iiCG-Kd@EAKKV[∧[E←↑0A∩Ag∃JAs←TB@A¬∃iiKd↓gi←`↓C]H~(∩∪eKQQS]V↓iQSf↓CiiC
WaCG,XAEK1hAa←UGPXA¬]HAK¬GPA[¬OSFA%iKZt↓oCe\↓←LAi!KSmS9NACiQK[ah4∀~∃∨8A[←gPA[k]⊃C]JA%iK[f0AoKCA←]fX↓KiFt↓∪A↔%YBAg%]OYK!C]IK⊃YrAW%YQf@D`~∀∪¬]GKS9hAeK⊂AIeC≥←]fA%\A←]∀Ae←k9H@QKaCGiYd@b`B$A)⊃8AgQ←Uh@E⊃UeeCP∧D~∃%=aJA←_A)sS9Nt@n≤Ae←a∀tAGedA←kh↓SLAaISg←]∃efACIJAOKQiS]N=O←ii∃\AY←=gJAC→iKdAQsS]N4∀∪iQ∃ZAk`0AgCs%]N@EI←aJA=LA)s%]NAβ
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			2 spears	1 halberd	0 2-H sword
   Bandelero of:        1 Dagger      	4 Spikes(wood)	1 oil 
			5 iron spikes	4 vials of 1d4 acid   6 daggers
   Sack containing: 	3 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint&steel  1 oil
   Quiver containing:	34  arrows	1 silver arrow
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garote silver band under collar
   In backpack:		1 Garlic	1 lump of cheese 1 wolvesbane/belladonna
			4 Empty flasks	2 week's rations (incl. extra water)
			5 oil		5 lumps of coal  2 sacks of coal dust
			2 candles       1 steel  mirror	1 sm. sack of dust
			Sack: rags, alcohol, wax, string, paint, brush, ink, paper
   On belt:		Pouch of herbs: sugar, salt, pepper, honey, baking soda
			Iron ring	1 set of thieves' tools	2nd set: -10%
E.P. Bonus:  10/0/10	DEX bonus: +4 AC, +3 missile fire and initiative
System shock: 91%	Resurrection: 94%
Speaks: alignment, common, thief cant, elf, gnome, halfling, (hob)goblin, orc, gnoll
Infravision 60'  90% immune to sleep and charm   Secret doors: 1/6 (2/6 if looking)
Can surprise on 1-4 (1-2 thru door) if alone or 90' away from metalized party
Thiefly skills:  Climb: 86%
Pickpocket: 50   Pick locks: 39   Find/remove traps: 30   Hide: 35   Silent: 36%
Name: ANGEL  	Owner: Doug Lenat 	Experience: 0
Class: Mnk/MU/Illus		Level: 2/1/0   	Alignment: L.N.     	Race: Human
God: Anhur, god of warriors.

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
   15           17          15          16           17           8

Hits: 	17				Age 22 (mature)
	      4&4; 3  (+2 CON bonus/die)
Total Gold: 
Doors: 1-2    			       Bars/gates: 7%         
Unadjusted weight:     	       	       Extra weight: +200 (20lbs)

Armor class: 7   (6 if relying on Monkish abilities)

Saving throws:     Poison 13  Wands 11  Stone 12  Dragon 15  Spells 12 [+1 WIS]

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
Spetum                 20  18  16  15  14  13 *12* 10   8   1d6+1      2d6          1    8]
Dagger                 20  19  18  16  14  13  11  10   9   1d4        1d3  
 versus unarmored:     18  17  16  15  14  13  12  11  10

Proficient in Polearm and Dagger.  Note polearms do double vs charge
	In mind: Find familiar, shocking grasp, sleep.

Magic items:


E.P. Bonus:  0/10/10  DEX bonus: +3 AC, +2 missile fire and initiative
System shock: 95%	Resurrection: 96%
Speaks: alignment, common
Monk abilities (emerg only until MU3): AC9+3, Move 16, +1 damage
Dodge missiles iff save vs. petrification
All saves imply absolutely no damage taken
Locks 39  Traps 25  Silent 26  Hide 20  Hear +10%  Climb 86%
Name: ANGEL  	Owner: Doug Lenat 	Experience: 2000/0/0/0
Class: Dru/MU/Thf/Illus		Level: 2/1/0/0 	Alignment: N. G.     	Race: Human
God: Anhur, god of warriors.

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
   8            17          15          16           17          15

Hits: 	18				Age 22 (mature)
	      8 6 
Total Gold: 
Doors: 1-2    			       Bars/gates: 7%         
Unadjusted weight:     	       	       Extra weight: +200 (20lbs)

Armor class: 2+4 (3+4 if not using shield; assumes platemail)

Saving throws:     Poison 14  Wands 15  Stone 16  Dragon 17  Spells 17

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
Long Sword             20  18  16  15  14  13  12  10   8   1d8        1d12         3    5
Bastard Sword          18  17  15  14  13  12  11  10  10   2d4        2d8
2-Handed sword         16  15  14  13  11  10   9  10  10   1d10       3d6          6    1
Long Bow               16  14  13  11   9   7   6   5   4   1d6        1d6        7/14/21
Spetum                 20  18  16  15  14  13 *12* 10   8   1d6+1      2d6          1    8]
Left-handed Handaxe    20  19  18  16  14  13  11  10   9   1d6        1d6  
 versus unarmored:     18  17  16  15  14  13  12  11  10

Proficient in Sword, Polearm, Bow, and L.H.Axe. Note polearms do double vs charge
Magic items:

   Armor:		Loaned regal plate mail, loaned longsword&axe&shield.

E.P. Bonus:  0/10/10/10	DEX bonus: +4 AC, +3 missile fire and initiative
System shock: 88%	Resurrection: 92%
Speaks: alignment, common
Can surprise on 1-3	Only surprised on a 1
    Underground: must be less than 3 turns (30 minutes) old, to commence.
Normal passage or room	65%		Through door or stairs	55%
Through trap door	45%		Through secret door	25%
Base chance to track is 90%		Each addl creature adds 2%
Each 24hrs elapsed adds -10%		Each hr rain/snow adds -25%